We Help Everyday People Become Better Worship Leaders
A resource site for worship leaders provided by
the Free Will Baptist Music Commission
Here are our current initiatives to help your Free Will Baptist church musicians

More details coming soon!
With this exciting, new initiative, it is our goal to help Free Will Baptist churches identify and develop musicians within their own congregational.
No matter how small your congregation may be, or how limited your resources are, we believe that there could be untapped potential sitting in the seats of your church! We will provide more details in 2024.

Currently taking applications!
An Onsite Worship Workshop is an opportunity for FWB churches to apply to have an experienced Worship Leader (or two) come to their church to offer custom training and instruction for their worship team.
Onsite Worship Workshop will give your Worship Teams inspiration and practical application in the areas of rehearsal, service planning, worship leading, choir, praise bands and more.
Looking for Worship Articles?
The Story Behind “Because He Lives”
“Because He Lives” (Rejoice! Hymn Book, #182) is one of the most loved and frequently used songs written by Bill & Gloria Gaither. Originally used by the Gaither Trio and other southern gospel groups, the song became popular for use in local church congregations...
The Purpose for Music in the Church
What is the purpose for music in church? Paul’s words in Colossians 3:16 are straightforward: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your...
Planning Worship Music For the Christmas Season
Planning the Musical Element of Your Christmas Worship Events “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” While this popular lyric puts me in the Christmas spirit and (almost) makes me want to brave the crowds for shopping and holiday errands, I’m not sure how much...
Planning Worship Music For the Christmas Season
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” While this popular lyric puts me in the Christmas spirit and (almost) makes me want to brave the crowds for shopping and holiday errands, I’m not sure how much I agree with the sentiment when it comes to worship planning. More specifically, perhaps …